
Passionate about quality products and maps.

  • Test Automation
  • QA Blogger
  • Cypress Independent Contributor
  • Cypress Plugin-ator 😎
  • Accessibility
  • Product Development
  • GIS Devotee



'I believe I have worked in nearly every role within the world of software and product development: analyst, developer, support, consultant, software engineer, tech lead, and product manager.
But one day, I had a realization... Sometimes, you need to reinvent yourself to rediscover your true self.
That's how I became a Software QA Engineer.'
― Myself


Read my in-depth articles on Cypress and QA Automation on my BLOG.



  • wick-a11y
    Cypress plugin for performing configurable Accessibility tests using AXE. Flawless integration in Cypress with violations shown graphically on the web page and the Cypress log, and generating HTML document with violations details and screenshot. image of one of the screens of the wick-a11y cypress plugin
  • cypress-ajv-schema-validator
    Lightweight JSON Schema validator for Cypress using AJV. image of one of the screens of the cypress-ajv-schema-validator cypress plugin
  • how-to-create-a-cypress-plugin
    Example of how to create a Cypress Plugin from scratch.